Thursday, May 22, 2008

Manly Palmer Hall

I have lately been looking for people who know of the connection between Ernest Thompson Seton and Manly Palmer Hall. Hall was a philosopher and mystic of sorts, author of numerous books, including the classic Secret Teachings of All Ages. Seton dedicated Santa The Hero Dog of France to Hall. Dee Seton Barber told me that she rememberered Hall coming to visit Seton at the Castle in the 1940s.

There is a soon-to-be-published book on Hall's life entitled 'MASTER OF THE MYSTERIES: the life of Manly Palmer Hall’ by Louis Sahagun. Mr. Sahagun is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times. I spoke with Mr. Sahagun today and learned that the book will be published in late June It already appears on

He says the book will contain information about the link between Hall and Seton. He told me that hall first met Seton when Seton lectured at the Author's Club in Hollywood. Hall wentup to Seton following the lecture, introcuced himself and told Seton, "Mr. Seton, I want to know you!." He also relates several trips to Seton Village.

I am looking forward to the book.

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